Sometimes it seems life is just bloody unfair.
In this past month, we have seen 3 Bracco go missing, and 3 Bracco returned safely to their owners.
To say I am utterly jealous of that would be an understatement.
The first Bracco to go off was probably stolen to order, and was found strangely nearby across the county it lived in a week or so later. Thankfully she was none the worse for her ordeal, and her owner happy to have her home safely.
The second 2 Bracchi were lost by the person who was supposedly dog sitting them whilst their owners were away. Thankfully they were both found and reunited, again safe and fine from their ordeal.
All good, but it just makes me want to be the 3rd in line for that reunion.
Jon and I were drivng around at weekend and were thinking about Jacob and the whole situation he's left us in.
We just don't know where he is, if he's alive or if someone has him, loves him, and he's safe.
I just wish we knew.
Hard as it is, we do have to get on with life, and look back on the time we all shared, and think we were lucky to have him for those 3 years. Positive thinking that he is alive and well, enjoying life, but not enjoying it with his family. I can live with that. I just want to know he is okay, or not okay. either one of those choices I can deal with.
I guess those of you reading that might figure it to be a bit harsh us moving on, bit I cannot honestly say that we can't shed any more tears, because we do, and often Jacob will come into the conversation for a reason, and a lump will form in our throats at the mere mention of his name.
That said, we now are enjoying our 3 Spinoni, and of course the hilarious antics that only a Bracco like Pascha can provide !
Pascha is lots of fun, goofy, a major clown, uber intelligent, and does go a really long way to filling the huge paw prints left behind by our boy. His bounding energy is so catching and no matter how fed up you might be, a swift right hook from a Bracco paw soon sorts you out !
We still get lots of lovely emails, just saying that people are out there looking still, thinking of us, and hoping, just hoping that one day our hard work will pay off and we'll be re-united with Jacob. To read them is so uplifting, people taking time out of their busy lives to check in our blog, just to see if the news has changed, have we got lucky.....
I do imagine that day, a day where we get that call....and also on the flip side of that joy there is a nagging ache of worry as to what dog we could be getting back. Would he still be 'our' Jacob ?
No matter, he would always (and will always) remain to be our boy, regardless of his name, or new address, he belongs to us.
Hmmmm....I was hoping as I wrote this new post that it would be uplifiting !
Sorry about that, sometimes the moment passes and you just feel cheated.
I know as you sit at your pc and have your dogs safely near to you, you will know how hard it would be if one of them were taken away from you without word nor warning.
No chance to say goodbye or the direct ability to change the circumstances.
I am sure you will agree that it would be very difficult for you to comprehend them being gone, so I hope with that thought in your mind you'll forgive me for the perhaps sombre mood swings on this blog. Sometimes you just want things to be right, and it is out of your control to do so.
Oh hell that is annoying !
Most of all I hope that all of your dogs remain safe, there are some very nasty, and truly calculating people out there only happy to relieve you of your lovely fur bundles, so please take care, ensure they are within your sight at all times, but most of all enjoy them, really enjoy them.
These dogs, well, they love us all unconditionally, give us such joy at owning them (mostly !!!) and as such we should always be able to give the same back.
We are their lives and what makes their lives special, we have their whole destiny in our hands, the ability to give them a happy contented life....we should always, always remember that.