Saturday, 6 June 2009

Back to basics

After a strange week of highs and then lows we've made the decision that we need to start our postering campaign right from the very beginning.
That is, start postering the local areas again, and then work out to the other bigger town in our main circumference.

Sometimes I feel we can do no more than we are already doing, but there's always something that we can do, and it feels really good to be pro active in the search.

We've heard some wonderful stories of dogs like Jacob literally disappearing off the face of the planet, and then suddenly appearing though misleading microchips or similar situations.

I know i've said about it previously in my posts, but the whole microchip situation worries me greatly, so so many people have come froward and told of their dogs going on to rehomes and being missing for years having being lost, only to be rehomed by some rescues, the original chip still in place.

It's shocking really, but if every vet and rescue thoroughly checked each and every dog properly this surely wouldn't be happening. I know it's difficult and the rescues time is hard to come by, and yes before anyone yells at me (!) I know they do a wonderful job. I just worry Jacob could be somewhere unknowingly sitting on someones sofa, happy in his new home, thinking his proper family have abandoned him for good. I can't tell you the feelings that raises in me, sort of a vicious twist of raging jealousy alongside anger and frustration.

Other theories brought to the forefront are that of him being shot by farmers for pestering their deer or their game. It has, and obviously can/could have happened. I just wish to god someone if they knew something would come forward, albeit they could do it anonymously, at least we could move forward and have that closure. This is nothing short of an open wound that won't heal. An itch you can't scratch.

Hmmmm......I just wish we knew where or what had happened to our boy.

Thankfully there are some brighter things on the horizon for us hopefully, and the summer months ahead always make you smile don't they, a little bit of sunshine, well it just makes everything seem that little bit better no matter how crappy things are.

We did have a high at the beginning of the week. A call came through from a lady known to friends of ours who own Bracco in the north, this ladies neighbour had recently rehomed a dog from a rescue there.

The long and short of that was that having spent time at the shelter viewing their dogs for rehoming she noticed what she believed to be a Bracco.

This call unfortunately came in late at night, so we had a restless night wondering and getting quite excited, and at 8am we called the rescue. The dog they said the lady had viewed was a Harrier Hound, another rare breed dog, and was not a Bracco.

The lady was sure the dog she came across at the rescue was orange and white, and the Harrier Hound (Logan) on their website, was definitely lemon if anything, so we raised a few queries, alongside the fact that the lady on rescuing her little dog from the rescue kennels was given the story that her dog and the 'Braccoish' dog both were brought up from the south having been found by gypsies. To us this all seemed very credible it could have been Jacob, so as I said a restless night ensued.

The Bracco friend in the north very kindly actually went to the shelter and face to face he asked questions to be reassured that there was definitely never any Bracco in their care, and that every dog is listed on their website as part of their protocol.

I guess we have to accept that as being fact, nothing else we can do, we couldn't accuse them as we have no back up and we know from vast experience that sometimes it's easy to make a mistake as to to what you see. It's no ones fault, and we are always happy for anyone to query with us any dogs they feel might be our boy. Better safe than sorry.

One day, no matter how far into the future that one call, the one that says, yes we really do have your boy could well come in, and be the one that reunites us all. The Ginger Army are ever battle ready in the meantime, we are still here, emailing and phoning anyone that we feel should be made aware our boy is out there missing.

Just need that call now...... where's there's a mission, there's forever hope.


  1. So sad to have a family member go missing. We will keep good thoughts for you that he comes home or is found. Hugs to you---
    Ernie & Sasha

  2. We will always carry on looking for that gorgeous ginger boy and when that 1 phone call comes in, well....what a party!!!!!!!
    Dont give up hope though guys, he is out there somewhere and you will get him home.
    Love from Sarah -a proud member of The Ginger Army



  4. Words fail me but my heart speaks volumes for you. xxx
